Understanding Storm Damage

Shingles are designed to protect against the weather, but they aren't impervious to storm damage. The wind, rain and hail that often accompany winter storms can take their toll on your roof. While we recommend that you hire a Lake of the Ozarks roofing professional to actually climb up on your roof, there are a few things you can look for from ground level. It's important however, that you understand not all damage is obvious and hidden damage can cause problems weeks or even months after a storm.

Observable Storm Damage

High winds can tear and remove shingles, leaving your roof deck, underlayment or old shingles from a previous roof exposed to the elements. Wind can also lift and curl shingles by breaking the seal that bonds them together, leaving your roof vulnerable to wind-driven rain. In addition to wind damage, storms involving hail can make problems even worse. Hail can leave dents or pockmarks in shingles, dislodging the protective granules that protect against rain and sun damage.

If your roof resembles any of the pictures below from Owens Corning, there's a good chance you need a roof replacement or at least roof repairs at the Lake of the Ozarks.

Photos from: OwensCorning.com

Storm Damage Checklist 

Do you think you need a new roof? Owens Corning offers a helpful guide that walks you through everything you need to know and do to make for a smooth roof replacement at the Lake of the Ozarks.

  1. Asses your roof for storm damage. 
  2. Check gutters, roofing accessories and windows. 
  3. Inspect the area around your home. 
  4. Look for leaks and water spots in your attic and ceilings. 
  5. Call a Lake of the Ozarks roofing contractor you can trust. 
  6. Call your homeowners insurance company. 

Print the Owen's Corning Storm Damage Checklist here: www.OwensCorning.com.

Above & Beyond Roofing is standing by ready to help you with all your roofing needs. We are locally owned and specialize in both residential and commercial roofing in the Lake area. Offering free roof inspections at the Lake of the Ozarks, Above & Beyond is who you need to call if you suspect roof damage on your home at the Lake!

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"If it needs a roof we can do it ...
from the dog house to your house!"

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1212 Spring Valley Rd
Osage Beach, MO 65065
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  1. Great post about roofing I thinks very effective solution thanks a lot for shearing.
    Storm Damage


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