How Do I Know When to Get a Roof Inspection?

Ensuring that your Lake of the Ozarks roof is in great shape is crucial. Without a solid roof over your head, your entire home is at risk from the outside elements. It may be hard to know if your roof has issues if they aren't obvious, such as a leak. Having a professional roofer at the Lake of the Ozarks complete a roof inspection is a great way to ensure your roof is still in great shape. Not sure if you need a roof inspection? Ask yourself these questions to find out!

Is it possible I have hail or wind damage? 

Hail storms and tornadoes are both popular weather occurrences in Missouri. If your home is subject to any type of severe weather, it's possible your roof sustained storm damage. If other homes on your block have roof damage, it's definitely a good idea to have yours checked out. Since we offer free roof inspections at the Lake of the Ozarks, it doesn't hurt to have your roof looked at after a big storm.

Do I have missing or lifted roof shingles? 

Like mentioned above, it's not always easy to spot roof issues from the ground. However, if you notice any missing or lifted roof shingles, you're going to want to schedule a roof inspection. You want to get those shingles replaced as soon as possible to prevent further roof damage, such as water seeping inside your home.

How long has it been since my roof was last inspected? 

It is recommended to have your roof inspected twice per year. This is because both winter weather and summer weather can affect your roof differently, and here at the Lake of the Ozarks, we can have some weather on both extremes. If you don't know when your roof was last inspected, it's probably a good idea to have it looked over by a professional. Small issues can lead to costly problems down the road. If addressed early on, you can save a lot of money and frustration.

Are there granules in my gutters and downspouts? 

As you are cleaning out your gutters in preparation for winter, check for shingle granules that may have come off and accumulated in your gutters or downspouts. An excessive amount of granules could mean that it's time to have your roof replaced. These granules are a protective coating on your shingles, so without them, your roof is more vulnerable to leaks and other roof damage.

How old is my roof? 

Going back to number one, if you don't know the last time your roof was inspected, and your home is quite old, it's in your best interest to schedule a roof inspection. The older your roof is, the more vulnerable it gets. You want to make sure you catch any issues early to fix them before it leads to costly repairs. If you're in need of a new roof, it's important to get that done before a faulty roof leads to other issues inside your home such as water damage and/or mold growth.

After reading over these questions, is it time for a roof inspection? If so, contact Above & Beyond Roofing! When you choose to go through Above & Beyond Roofing, your Lake of the Ozarks roof inspection is FREE! We will check over your roof and ensure everything is still in great shape. Give us a call soon to take advantage of our free roof inspections at the Lake of the Ozarks!

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