7 Summer Roof Maintenance Tips

While many of us are concerned for our roofs during the winter weather, summer can take it's toll on our roofs as well. It's important to maintain your roof year round, not just when you experience severe weather. As your Lake of the Ozarks roofing company, we've put together this summer maintenance to-do list for you:

Summer Maintenance To-Do List

1. From the safety of the ground, check your roof for any cracked/loose shingles, debris or mold and algae growth. Binoculars can come in handy for this step. Mold damage happens quickly, especially in the summer, and can be a real hassle if not addressed immediately. Be sure to clear any debris or fungal growth that you may find.

2. Examine all items that protrude from your roof, including chimneys, skylights and plumbing vents, to make sure they are properly sealed. If you have skylights, be sure to clean around them regularly. Debris and water could pool on top of a skylight and cause major problems if not dealt with. Check any metal stripping to make sure it has not come loose during the winter or spring storms. Contact your Lake of the Ozarks roofer if you need flashing to be repaired or replaced.

3. Clean your gutters and downspouts! Birds nests, debris, and more can accumulate after a summer storm. Make sure the water can flow through without blockage. Beware of wasps though as they tend to build their nests around gutters and roof protrusions. You'll also want to make sure the gutters are stable. Unstable gutters cannot do their job correctly, leading to potential foundation damage. Be sure to have them tightened or replaced if needed.

4. Check your eaves and overhangs for staining. Staining could be a sign of holes in your roof. No sunlight and little air circulation can cause these areas of your roof to often times be in worse shape than the roof itself. If you need your soffit repaired or replaced, give Above & Beyond Roofing a call.

5. Be sure there are no places where small creatures could enter your home through the roof. If you find any openings, be sure to block them. Just as they like to get in out of the cold during the winter, they could try to use your attic as a shade from the hot summer sun!

6. Not only should you check your roof, but also check the attic. When it comes to roofing problems, you attic could have mold or be home to small animals. You also want to check the attic for proper ventilation. Hot air rises through the attic and can become trapped without proper ventilation. This leads to moisture problems that can shorten the life of your roof.

7. Make sure to take pictures of your roof to ensure there haven't been any major changes since your last check. Having a professional roofing company inspect your roof each year, preferably twice a year, will allow a peace of mind that your roof is in good shape to do its job, protecting your home and all it's contents.

For a free roof inspection at the Lake of the Ozarks, contact Above & Beyond Roofing at 573-302-0354. By having routine maintenance done on your roof, you are ensuring that your roof is in good operating condition to get you through the summer heat and storms. You are also making sure it's on track to either meet or extend the life of your roof. For any questions regarding your roof at the Lake of the Ozarks, give us a call!

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"If it needs a roof we can do it ...
from the dog house to your house!"

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Osage Beach, MO 65065
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  1. Even the most powerful roof systems will fail without proper maintenance. Thanks to the hard work and loyalty of NYC Roof Installation my tile roof hasn't skipped a beat.

  2. This was really interesting to read, mostly because I've been wanting to be able to check on these thing myself! I never knew that I should be checking my gutters, but reading more about it's importance, I'll be sure to once the weather clears! I also didn't know that I should be checking my attic. I now feel much more educated in this, so thanks so much for this advice! http://www.darrroofing.com/index.html

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