Make Sure Your Gutters Are Working Properly!

Gutters play an important role in your roofing system. Gutters that are not working properly can cause major damage to your roof over time. This is especially true during periods of lots of rain. If you aren’t sure if your gutters are doing their job, read on to learn more about gutters from our roofing company at the Lake of the Ozarks.

Importance of Gutters

The purpose of gutters is to keep water away from your house to avoid water damage. A properly installed and maintained gutter system will channel water on your roof down and away from the base of your house. This prevents it from pooling up next to your house where its likely to find it’s way inside the foundation. In addition to protecting your foundation, gutter systems also protect your roof.

How Gutters Relate to Your Roof

In addition to protecting your foundation, gutter systems also protect your roof. Excess water pooling up in your gutters can lead to roof leaks. When excess water is forced to stay on the roof or roof edge, it can seep into the shingles. Depending on the time of year and temperature outside, this can lead to ice dams forming, which can cause major damage to your roof.

Maintaining Your Gutters

In order for gutter systems to do their job, they need some regular maintenance. There are a few things you can do throughout the year to keep your gutters in optimum condition. Keep trees cut back to avoid overhanging limbs. This will help keep the amount of debris that falls into your gutters to a minimum. Keep your gutters clean and free of debris so that the water can drain properly. If your gutters are loose or don't drain correctly, be sure to repair them. Make sure that all your downspouts are in place and divert all the water into your drain system.

Cleaning Out Your Gutters Makes All the Difference! 

One of the best things your can do to ensure your gutters are working properly is to make sure they are clean of leaves and debris. Getting up on a ladder to clean out your gutters can be a tedious job, so if you’re not feeling up to it call our Lake of the Ozarks Roofing Company! We offer gutter clean out at the Lake of the Ozarks and free roof inspections. We are here to not only provide high quality roofs, but regular roofing maintenance that can help preserve the life of your roof. Give our roofing team a call for gutter clean out, roof repair, roof inspection, and more!


CALL 573-302-0354


  1. You have a great blog. this post in particular is very helpful! I know of a roofing company if you are looking to stop a leak. Please get in touch! Thanks, have a good day.


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