4 Tips to Prepare Your Roof for Winter

You may not want to hear it, but winter is on it's way. While you're busy enjoying the crisp fall air and the beauty of the leaves changing color, the cold weather, with it's snow and ice, is going to creep up on you. Now is the time to start preparing your home for winter, especially your roof. If any Lake of the Ozarks roof repairs are needed, now is the time to get them done before the snow and ice arrive. Here are a few things you can do to prepare your roof for winter:

1. Seal Any Roof Leaks. 

Before winter hits, you'll want to check the ceiling and interior walls for any signs of leaks, such as stains. Take the time to seal all roof leaks possible before the weather gets too bad. Once the rooftop becomes covered in snow and ice, it will be nearly impossible to find those little annoying roof leaks. Plus the added weight and moisture can only make those leaks worse. It will save you a lot of money in repairs if you can catch them soon after they develop instead of waiting until next spring.

2. Check Roof Deck for Any Signs of Deterioration. 

Check the roof deck and fascia/coping for any signs of deterioration. Be sure to check the expansion joints for signs of excessive movement and splits, or thin sections of membrane, and deteriorated caulking of loose metalwork. Cold temperatures can have a tremendous effect on loose mortar or composite building materials. These types of materials will contract in the cold weather causing them to separate, forming water or wind access points into your home.

3. Examine All Roof Penetrations. 

Examine all spots on the roof such as pitch pockets, vent pipes, pipe boots, skylights, etc. for any areas of deteriorated caulking or voids in the caulking. Check all chimney flashings, brick and mortar joints. Any point of air or water infiltration needs to be checked and resorted to a properly sealed condition. Check all base flashing and counter flashing attachments as well. When snow accumulates on the roof up and over the flashings, the roof can leak.

4. Clean Your Gutters. 

Clear all your gutters and downspouts. Clean out all of the drains making sure they are in proper working condition. Drainage problems during the winter can cause problems for your roof in the future. Plus, the weight of water in an improperly functioning gutter system can loosen the attachment, and possibly cause it to break or come off completely. It is important that all drainage water moves freely, and away from the house. In addition to any debris in your gutters, you'll want to remove debris from the roof surface.

Roof maintenance is important all throughout the year, but especially going into the winter season. Above & Beyond Roofing is here to help with all your roofing needs. We offer free roof inspections at the Lake of the Ozarks, so you can rest assured that your roof is prepared to last through the winter. Give us a call at 573-302-0354 to schedule an appointment today!

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"If it needs a roof we can do it ...
from the dog house to your house!"

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Osage Beach, MO 65065
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