3 Roofing Ventilation Myths
Attic ventilation is an important concept of any Lake of the Ozarks roof and can be one of the most misunderstood aspects of roofing. According to the American Institute of Architects, over 90% of homes in the U.S. have over the ideal level of moisture. Appropriate attic ventilation will balance the temperature difference from the inside to the outside, making it less likely for moisture to accumulate in your attic. This in turn will aid in getting the maximum life expectancy from your roof. Here are 3 attic ventilation myths that you should be aware of:
Myth #1 - More Attic Ventilation is Good
Making sure you have just the right amount of attic ventilation for the size of your home is vital. Insufficient ventilation can lead to excess moisture build up in the attic during the winter months or decreased efficiency of your HVAC system during the summer months. On the other hand, too much ventilation can also cause problems. Additional roof vents create additional holes in your roof, which can act as another access point into your home. This can lead to leaks from blowing rain or as an access point for sparks or smoke during a fire. Rodents and birds often make their way into a homes attic through the delicate mesh filters in the attic vents. Therefore, you only want as many vents as are needed.
The majority of people believe that the only importance of attic ventilation is to increase energy efficiency during the summer. Although proper attic ventilation can help, it's equally important to take into consideration shingle color, sun exposure and insulation. In fact, the colder the climate, the more likely your home will benefit from proper attic ventilation. When dealing with warmer climates, you don't have do worry about condensation and that added moisture.
Myth #3 - Roof Vents Remove Warm Air During Winter Months
Many people believe that due to hot air rising, the attic ventilation draws all the heat upward and out of your home causing unnecessary drag on your furnace. However, if you're experiencing strain on your HVAC, you have much larger problems than attic ventilation and should take a look at your insulation. In the majority of homes, your furnace should not be heating your attic, unless your home is designed with insulation right on the roof deck. The worst situation is when poor insulation causes warm, humid air to enter the attic from inside the home. When this warm air hits the roof, it forms condensation that will deteriorate your roof decking and ruin the insulation, causing interior damage in the process.
While everyone will agree on the importance of attic ventilation, they probably won't agree on the best way to do it. If you are unsure about your home having proper attic ventilation, call on a professional. When it comes to your Lake of the Ozarks roofing needs, Above & Beyond Roofing is there to answer all of your questions. Give us a call today at 573-302-0354!
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"If it needs a roof we can do it ...
1212 Spring Valley Rd
Example of Ridge Vents |
Making sure you have just the right amount of attic ventilation for the size of your home is vital. Insufficient ventilation can lead to excess moisture build up in the attic during the winter months or decreased efficiency of your HVAC system during the summer months. On the other hand, too much ventilation can also cause problems. Additional roof vents create additional holes in your roof, which can act as another access point into your home. This can lead to leaks from blowing rain or as an access point for sparks or smoke during a fire. Rodents and birds often make their way into a homes attic through the delicate mesh filters in the attic vents. Therefore, you only want as many vents as are needed.
Myth #2 - Roof Vents are Only Needed in Warmer Climates
The majority of people believe that the only importance of attic ventilation is to increase energy efficiency during the summer. Although proper attic ventilation can help, it's equally important to take into consideration shingle color, sun exposure and insulation. In fact, the colder the climate, the more likely your home will benefit from proper attic ventilation. When dealing with warmer climates, you don't have do worry about condensation and that added moisture.
Example of a Static Roof Vent |
Myth #3 - Roof Vents Remove Warm Air During Winter Months
Many people believe that due to hot air rising, the attic ventilation draws all the heat upward and out of your home causing unnecessary drag on your furnace. However, if you're experiencing strain on your HVAC, you have much larger problems than attic ventilation and should take a look at your insulation. In the majority of homes, your furnace should not be heating your attic, unless your home is designed with insulation right on the roof deck. The worst situation is when poor insulation causes warm, humid air to enter the attic from inside the home. When this warm air hits the roof, it forms condensation that will deteriorate your roof decking and ruin the insulation, causing interior damage in the process.
While everyone will agree on the importance of attic ventilation, they probably won't agree on the best way to do it. If you are unsure about your home having proper attic ventilation, call on a professional. When it comes to your Lake of the Ozarks roofing needs, Above & Beyond Roofing is there to answer all of your questions. Give us a call today at 573-302-0354!
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These points are to be noted.Heating and Cooling Toronto These services must be under taken before winter. In order to safe yours HVAC unit.