New Homeowners Guide to Your Roof

If you recently bought your first home, first off congratulations! Buying your first home is exciting. When you purchase a new home, you are more than likely getting familiar with the layout of your new home, spending time organizing, and enjoying being a homeowner. Something you more than likely haven't put much thought into is your roof! As a new homeowner, you may not know much about roofing because you've never owned one before. Today, our roofing company at the Lake of the Ozarks would like to share with you a few things you need to know about your roof. 1. Your Roof Can Affect Your Energy Costs. When your roof is in good shape, you will experience lower energy costs. If your roof has a leak or is not properly ventilated, heat or cool air, depending on the time of the year can escape, causing your heater or AC to work harder. When those appliances are working harder, they use more energy, which means a higher utility bill for you. A well-maintained roof can save yo...