Don't Damage Your Roof with Fireworks

The 4th of July holiday is upon us! One favorite tradition for this red, white and blue holiday is shooting off fireworks. While these beautiful lights can provide enjoyment for all ages, they can also bring increased safety issues, not just to you, but also your property. While quality roofing material has been treated for fire resistance, some conditions can still lead to fires. In today's blog, your favorite roofing company at the Lake of the Ozarks roofing company offers tips on how to stay safe while shooting off fireworks this weekend. 1. Don't Shoot Fireworks Toward Homes. It sounds pretty obvious, but it's not a good idea to shoot fireworks toward homes. If you live in a neighborhood with homes close together and little yard space, you might want to avoid shooting them off at your house. Some cities and states actually have laws against fireworks. When lighting fireworks, be sure to do so in a spot with plenty of open space. It's very difficult to contr...