Where Did the Easter Bunny Come From?

Traditionally, Easter was a religious holiday. While many people still celebrate it this way, the holiday has become highly commercialized. People around the world celebrate with Easter egg hunts and lots of candy. Where did the whole idea of the Easter Bunny actually come from though? Keep reading to find out. History of the Easter Bunny While the exact origins of the "Easter Bunny" remain somewhat of a mystery, rabbits are an ancient symbol of fertility and new life. Many pagan cultures across Europe held spring festivals to celebrate the renewal of life and promote fertility. One of the festivals was in honor of Eostre or Eastre, the goddess of dawn, spring and fertility. The festival was closely linked to the hare and eggs because of their fertility symbolism. Since the Eostre festival occurred around the same time as the Christian's celebration of Christ's resurrection, so the two celebrations became one. In German writings from the 1600s, the pagan rabbit...