14 Turkey Day Trivia Questions

Thanksgiving Day is almost here! Soon we'll all be surrounded with family, friends and delicious food. Do you ever think about the first Thanksgiving celebration, how this whole tradition started? In celebration of Turkey Day, Above & Beyond Roofing brings you these fun trivia questions to test your knowledge! 1. In what year did the first Thanksgiving celebration occur? A. 1492 B. 1567 C. 1621 D. 1777 2. Which president made Thanksgiving an annual holiday at the end of November? A. Abraham Lincoln B. George Washington C. James Madison D. Zachary Taylor 3. Which of America's founding fathers believed a turkey would make a better national symbol than the bald eagle? A. George Washington B. John Adams C. James Madison D. Benjamin Franklin 4. Turkey pardoning has become a holiday tradition as presidents spare certain turkeys from becoming a main course. What did President George W. Bush do with two turkeys pardoned in 2007? ...