Trivia Fun for Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day Weekend marks the end of the busy Summer season at the Lake of the Ozarks. Luckily, its just the beginning of our fall free roof inspections at the Lake of the Ozarks ! You want to make sure your Lake of the Ozarks roof will make it through the coming Winter. In celebration of the end of the Summer though, we wanted to bring you some fun Labor Day Trivia and put you to the test! Labor Day Trivia 1. In what year did Congress make Labor Day a federal holiday? A. 1894 B. 1924 C. 1944 D. 1904 2. What state was first to make Labor Day a state holiday? A. Oregon B. Pennsylvania C. Colorado D. Massachusetts 3. What group organized the original parade on Tuesday, September 5, 1882 in New York City? A. The Knights of Labor B. Central Labor Union C. The Knights of Columbus D. United States Congress 4. Since 1966, what annual telethon, which raises tens of millions of dollars each year for research, has been held on Labor Day Weekend? A. Am...